Cornwall Economic Study

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Consultation has concluded

PwC Canada has been engaged by the City of Cornwall and the University of Ottawa to conduct a socio-economic study of the Cornwall region to identify potential areas of opportunity that could influence economic growth in the region. The project will also explore how academic partnerships can advance the areas of opportunity.

The study will include research into demographic factors and economic trends, as well as interviews with key community and business leaders. In an effort to include as many perspectives as possible, we would like to hear from you! Your input will complement the study PwC is conducting.

This brief survey will take you about 10 minutes to complete.

  • Resident Survey
  • Business Owner Survey

PwC Canada has been engaged by the City of Cornwall and the University of Ottawa to conduct a socio-economic study of the Cornwall region to identify potential areas of opportunity that could influence economic growth in the region. The project will also explore how academic partnerships can advance the areas of opportunity.

The study will include research into demographic factors and economic trends, as well as interviews with key community and business leaders. In an effort to include as many perspectives as possible, we would like to hear from you! Your input will complement the study PwC is conducting.

This brief survey will take you about 10 minutes to complete.

  • Resident Survey
  • Business Owner Survey
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
    Consultation has concluded
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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
    Consultation has concluded
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