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Consultation has concluded
To continue with engagement, we will be hosting a virtual and in-person open house and would like to extend an invitation to you and your network.
The purpose of these open houses is to provide background information on the City's temporary Tree Preservation By-Law and to gather feedback for the forthcoming permanent Tree Preservation By-Law.
These consultation sessions are included in Phase 1 of public engagement. In Phase 2, we will share how the feedback collected during Phase 1 has been incorporated into draft By-Law options.
Welcome to the engagement page for Cornwall's upcoming Tree Protection By-law. Our goal is to ensure sustainable management and protection of Cornwall's urban forest. We value your input and invite you to participate in shaping the future of our community's tree protection efforts. The information gathered during various community engagement activities this spring, along with the findings of research and analysis, will be used to help the City identify feasible options for updating the bylaw.
Purpose of the By-law
The City of Cornwall is committed to protecting its residents, natural habitat and etc. The creation of a Tree Protection By-law aligns with the goals of the Climate Action Plan.
Phase 1 Survey
The City of Cornwall is looking to establish a permanent Tree Protection By-law and we need your input!
The survey will take about 10 minutes to complete. It is open from April 15 until June 9, 2024.
Hardcopy surveys
Printed hard-copy surveys are available upon request via or at one of the following locations:
Cornwall Public Library, 45 Second St E City Hall, 360 Pitt Street Benson Centre, 800 Seventh St W
Once completed, please leave your survey with City staff at one of the locations listed above or mail to Environmental Services, c/o Angela Parker, 861 Second St W, Cornwall, ON K6J 1H5, on or before May 28, 2024.
To continue with engagement, we will be hosting a virtual and in-person open house and would like to extend an invitation to you and your network.
The purpose of these open houses is to provide background information on the City's temporary Tree Preservation By-Law and to gather feedback for the forthcoming permanent Tree Preservation By-Law.
These consultation sessions are included in Phase 1 of public engagement. In Phase 2, we will share how the feedback collected during Phase 1 has been incorporated into draft By-Law options.
Welcome to the engagement page for Cornwall's upcoming Tree Protection By-law. Our goal is to ensure sustainable management and protection of Cornwall's urban forest. We value your input and invite you to participate in shaping the future of our community's tree protection efforts. The information gathered during various community engagement activities this spring, along with the findings of research and analysis, will be used to help the City identify feasible options for updating the bylaw.
Purpose of the By-law
The City of Cornwall is committed to protecting its residents, natural habitat and etc. The creation of a Tree Protection By-law aligns with the goals of the Climate Action Plan.
Phase 1 Survey
The City of Cornwall is looking to establish a permanent Tree Protection By-law and we need your input!
The survey will take about 10 minutes to complete. It is open from April 15 until June 9, 2024.
Hardcopy surveys
Printed hard-copy surveys are available upon request via or at one of the following locations:
Cornwall Public Library, 45 Second St E City Hall, 360 Pitt Street Benson Centre, 800 Seventh St W
Once completed, please leave your survey with City staff at one of the locations listed above or mail to Environmental Services, c/o Angela Parker, 861 Second St W, Cornwall, ON K6J 1H5, on or before May 28, 2024.
If you were aware of the temporary Tree Protection By-law that was put in place on February 13, 2024.
If the City should implement a permanent Tree Protection By-law.
If so, in your opinion, what should be included in a permanent Tree Protection By-law.
The information gathered during various community engagement activities this spring, along with the findings of research and analysis, will be used to help the City identify practical options for updating the bylaw.
Note: This additional information is not required reading to complete the survey.
Inquiries about this survey or this update should be directed to:
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